Sunday, January 2, 2011

Update on Cooper

So we just had his trileptal upped. We will see what happens. We have noticed that the last few times we have put him in the shower his lower limbs get dark and kinda purple. Weird and a question for the neurologist.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Holiday Season

Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. I am so excited for Christmas this year. It is weird we are struggling more than we ever have (with Jared having been laid off since Sept 17th), but our marriage is better than it ever has been and I am really thankful for all the little things. The kids are better than they ever have been. I am mentally better than I ever have been and it shows all around me. We are hopeful that a job will come soon, and that life will get financially easier. I love you all and hope you holidays are great!

Friday, August 20, 2010

School Days

So this year I finally have the honor of sending Adam off to 1st grade. This meant all day school whaich was harder that kindergarden i thought. Also I had the honor of sending Rylee to kindergarden. Oh my 2 in school. Now the afternoons are just me and Coop. :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Seizures suck

So we were on our way out the door for dinner and Cooper fell and hit his head. That's right another bruise and fall less than a week from the last. He knew his name and how many fingers I was holding up so no hospital. On our way out he was wabbly and could barely walk. I mentioned something to Jared and he caught Cooper right before he had a seizure! We are waiting to hear from the neurologist tomarrow on the plan of action!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Buzz Lightyear

So a friend of mine who lost their daughter to SUDEP (sudden unexplained death due to epilepsy) has set up a foundation in remembrance of her daughter. And on behalf of the Chelsea Hutchison Foundation she has generously donated money to Noelles Angel Dogs to allow us to recieve a service dog that will be able to detect when Cooper is having a seizure after it is fully trained. The dogs are named after Disney characters and ours will be named Buzz Lightyear or "Buzz" for short. We will recieve him around the 14th or 15th of August. He is about 6 weeks old now.

Coopers Recent ER Trip 7/24/10

Ever have one of thos days where you wanna pull your hair out. So it was carpet cleaning day and we moved all the furniture out and were headed to walmart. That part went fine it was when we left walmart that things started to head south. Cooper got his finger smashed in the door and would not bend it or make a fist so off to the ER we went thinking it was smashed. It was not smashed so we packed up and came home. then as we were getting out of the van he somehow managed to fall and smack his head really hard on the pavement :( I looked at Jared and said "We are not going back to the ER!" I sat down and cried with him. I do not know if he had a seizure and then fell or if he just fell. It was unwitnessed. So I played nurse for the next 24 hrs and did neuro checks and woke him frequently. He decided to go to bed at 9 thankfully though.